How to Effortlessly Clean Your Toilets

One of the reasons people prefer to use their own bathrooms is because they know how often they are cleaned. Walking into a public restroom free of odor and seeing a spotless, white toilet can put a customer’s mind at ease, but a discolored bowl and urine smell can cause anyone to believe that an entire business is unhygienic. Studies show that half of all consumers who encounter an unsanitary restroom would warn their family and friends about the establishment. Also, odors in the restroom discourage 66% of patrons from returning to that place.


Toilets that are not consistently cleaned are more likely to form pink, black, or green rings of mold, mildew, and bacteria. Water composition is a factor too, as hardness can form grayish deposits inside the bowls. The blemishes and buildup can usually be removed, but improper scrubbing and harsh chemicals can damage the finish on porcelain, which can increase the chances of a dirty appearance, despite regular cleaning. Odors can also flourish in these environments due to uric acid collecting in pipes from both urinals and toilets. Between the stench and the stains, your bathroom can become the reason your business receives complaints and fewer visitors.

sanitizers-auto-flush-service-01The most consistent and thorough way to tackle these issues is to install an inline sanitizer paired with an auto flush system. With its infrared sensor, the auto flush eliminates the need to touch, decreasing the risk of cross contamination while helping to maintain an overall cleaner facility. The all-natural inline sanitizer fulfills multiple jobs with each use by…

  • Eliminating the bacteria mold, and mildew that create stains
  • Softening hard water that leaves behind dirty deposits
  • Clearing away odor and organic buildup in pipes and on fixtures
  • Leaving the toilet bowl sealant intact
  • Being safe for the environment

Regularly scheduled maintenance takes the pressure off of your cleaning crew and ensures high quality results. Do not let your business become part of a bad bathroom statistic; an auto flush and inline sanitizer will work together to keep your facilities in check.

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